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In Python, one can say that functions are part of the programming which enhances its power. Hence, programming tasks can be decomposed into subtasks and handled independently making scripts more generic and maintainable. It is important to learn how to define and call functions before writing an organized Python application. In this article, we will handle total functions, how they are formed and scope in general as a fundamental concept for the understanding of how each variable operates in different areas of your application.

What Is Function?

To put it simply, a function is a sequential set of codes combined to accomplish a specific purpose in Python. When a function is created it has an explicit map and hence when it is invoked multiple times the code is easier to read because it's executed once leaving the original code intact. As a result, pieces of code can be reused, allowing programmers to avoid repetitions all through the program. Furthermore, this makes management easier because each procedure handles distinct jobs. A function is defined as one that receives an input (also known as a parameter or argument) and performs a certain computation with it which may even produce an output called a return value. The great thing about functions is that the same function can be called repeatedly, with different sets of inputs, thus making the program more interesting.

Creating a Function

To create a function in Python is quite easy. Type the def keyword, which means you want to define a function, then write the desired name followed by a pair of brackets. Inside the brackets, you can specify any parameters that the function will accept. The indentation in a program in Python is critical, for that is where the body of the function is indented below the main delta. This is how a function in python is constructed as a rule:

Function Structure

def function_name(parameter1, parameter2, …):
 Code block that performs an operation
 On the parameters
return result
In this case structure, function_name means the name of the function created and parameter1, parameter2 and others are the parameters passed to the function. The return command is not necessary but when it is used, in this case, specifies what value is sent back to the segment of the program that invoked that function.

Calling a Function

Defining a configuration Let's say you configured a spark job to always go to the data repository, and you created the aggregate_job(spark_config: lage_huge). Back to the calling. The action performed against a function is described as being a call to that function. Calling a function includes mentioning its name, along with providing its parameters, if there are any. If a function does not accept any arguments, it is acceptable to mention it without parentheses. Here is an example of a function assuming parameters a and b and adding a to b:

Addition Function Example

def add_numbers(a, b):
    return a + b  This is called the function.

 Invoking the function with an argument
result= add_numbers(5, 3)
print(f'the result is: {result}')  The output is logically expected to be equal to 8
In this code block `add_numbers` is the name of the function which adds two numbers. `a` and `b` are the two numbers that are to be added together. And when the function gets called, the sum of `a and b' are set to a variable `result` and are printed. [img]

The Scope of A Function

Functions are intricately linked with the idea of scope. Scope of a particular variable is defined as the area of the program within which that particular variable is available for use. In python, scope of a variable controls which part of the program is going to use that variable and in which part of the program it will be changed. There are basically two classes of scope in Python: 1. Global Scope This is the set of variables that have been defined outside of any function and in other words, they can be utilized in any part of the program. 2. Local Scope This is a scope that comprises variables which have been defined within a function and can only be utilized within that function as they cannot be accessed from outside of that function.

Global Variables

A global variable is simply defined as a variable that has been defined outside any function. Such variables can be referenced and changed by any program segment including functions. For instance, if a variable is defined within a function, it is local to that function. It is not possible to reference such a variable from outside the function unless a value of that local variable was returned. For example:

Global Variable Example

x = 10   Variable which is Global

def print_global():
    print(x)   Global variable is being Accessed Inside A Function

print_global()  Result will be 10
In this scenario, " x " which is defined outside the function print_global( ) is a global variable. It can be used by the function print_global( ) and also by any other part of the program.

Local Variables

A local variable is a variable that has been defined within a function and can be used only in that function. It remains unreachable from other parts of the program outside the function. For instance:

Local Variable Example

def add_two_numbers(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    sum_result: int = a + b  
    return sum_result
In this case, sum_result is defined within the add_numbers function which is not accessible outside as it was not defined in the global context Once you print the result, there would be an error. Examples of modifiers from global variables being accessed within functions. If you need to bring about a change in a variable that is accessible in the global space then this can only be done using the global syntax. Without this modifier in python programming all variables inside the block are locally accessible only even though there is one having a similar name. This is how the global variable can get changed in the function of the below example :

Global Variable Modification Example

x = 10
def global_x_addition():
    global x
    x = 20
Here the result of the print function is set to be 20. This change was able to happen due to setting a modifier to global in this example . Python would still continue to treat it as a local variable if there was no global present.

Significance of Scope

The reason why it is important to grasp the concept of scope is so that you are able to control the visibility of the variables of the program. This reduces the likelihood of globals being modified undesirably and provides better control of data as it is passed among components of the program. For example, in the case of functions where the use of local variables suffices, such practices can be helpful in averting the unplanned alteration of global variables making the behavior of a program more deterministic and easier to troubleshoot and test. Furthermore, grasping the concept of scope can help you improve the performance of the code you write. For instance, when a variable is required only within a particular function, it is possible to declare it as a local variable which decreases the probability of name collision and improves the efficiency of the program by decreasing the life span and the amount of memory allocated to the variable.
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Every single program consists of control structures that allow the user to specify the sequence in which different parts of that program are executed. They permit the usage of codes in different sections, based on certain requirements. Some of the simplest forms of control structures include if statements, else statements, and, most notably, loops. These three combine to allow programmers to make decisions and repeat instructions, which makes the code more efficient than it would have been had these features not existed. In this article, we will explore the role of these control structures in Python and how they can help you manage the flow of your programs.

Comprehending the "If" Statement

One of the most important program control structures in Python is the if statement. It is designed to make a decision in your code. An if statement works on the logic that there is a certain code block that will run only if a condition that is explicitly stated is met. This is advantageous as it means you can easily make decisions without hardcoding them into the program, but rather using the data or the context of the situation to make the decision. The regular style of "IF" statement is as follows:

Basic If Statement Syntax

if condition:
   //code block to be executed if that condition turns to be True
This means, the condition can be any statement such as a boolean. In an event that the condition yields a "true" value, the statement or code block in which the "if" statement is will run, but in the event that "False" is given, that portion of the code or code block is been avoided or skipped As an example, you can explain the age restriction to vote where you can say the age must be 18 or 21 and if so they are then allowed to cast their vote.

Voting Age Example

age = 20;
if age >= 18:
    print("You are eligible to vote")

The "Else" Statement

This value would alternate depending on whichever way you specified. Basically, while the if statement helps you execute some piece of code when a condition becomes true, then the else statement provides such an option which is an opposite to the code of conditions since it allows you to specify a section of code to be executed when the if statement IS n. On the other hand, the presence of the current case double negatives suggests that they are used when both boolean possibilities are required to be specified, that is, this statement is also true when the condition becomes false.

Number Check Example

number = -5
if number >= 0:
    print("the number is positive")
    print("the number is negative")

Grade Evaluation Example

score = 85
if score >= 90:
    print("Grade: A")
elif score >= 80:
    print("Grade: B")
elif score >= 70:
    print("Grade: C")
    print("Grade: F")

The Role of Loops

The first two statements rely on conditions but the latter two do the opposite. In other words, the if and its partner the else allow us to branch depending on conditions while the loops are control structures that allow us to repeat a particular block of code. There are two loops that are generally used when programming in Python i.e. loops and while loops. The functions of the two kinds of loops differ but they are all meant to prevent redundancy in carrying out tasks.

The "For" Loop

A for loop in Python's programming can be defined as general iteration over sequences like a string or range. It is a common operation to execute a block of code for each element in case there is a certain condition that requires a sequence of execution. The following is its syntax:

For Loop Syntax

for item in sequence:
     Code block to execute for each item
This loop is generally used whenever you need to iterate exactly the definite number of times or iterate or work on a set which contains a certain number of elements. If a case arises such as needing to print all items in a list then the loop will be executed as thus:

For Loop Example

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for fruit in fruits:

The "While" Loop

As opposed to the for loops however, the while loops don't necessarily have to have a precondition of running a set number of times or iterating over a certain element. A whole condition solely depends on the satisfaction of the `True` condition stipulated by the user.

While Loop Syntax

while expression:
    code which is carried out provided the expression evaluates to True
Let us say for example, you want to print numbers from 1 to 5, you can use a while loop as shown below:

While Loop Example

count = 1
while count <= 5:
    count += 1
This loop will as long as the variable `count` is less than or equal to 5. With every iteration of the loop, `count` is made to be one more than its previous value. When the condition turns `False`, the loop ends.
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Among programming languages, one of the easiest to learn for beginners is Python due to its syntax and versatility. It has a wide array of applications including but not limited to, web development, automation, artificial intelligence, and data science. If you are new in learning Python language, then basics should be demonstrated as they are the building blocks. Most of the python programs are based on basic concepts of variables, data types and operators. In this article we'll look into these concepts more closely.

What Questions Do You Have Regarding Variables?

A variable is a reserved memory location to store values. In simpler terms, a variable is a name that is used to identify a particular memory location in a computer. Any programming language uses the concept of a variable to enable a program to remember and change information. In Python, creating a variable is done by just naming it and assigning a value to it with the assignment operator (`=`). It is also good practice with variable names that are descriptive enough which will help other users or you in the future to maintain the code. Let's say that you wanted to record the age of a person. Then you would have a variable such as:

Assign Variable

age = 25
In this case, The variable is called `age` which contains the number `25`. Being a dynamically typed language, python does not require one to declare the variable type first. It does so on its own by looking at whatever is assigned to the variable. Here, the language interprets that 'twenty-five' is an integer.

The Different Data Types in Python

Each and every variable in python has a particular data type. A data type is a classification of a variable according to the kind of data it can hold as well as the operations that can be performed on it. The data types in Python are numerous, with every single one of them having its own set of specific restrictions on what can be done in the language.

1. Integers (`int`)

As the term suggests, an integer is a whole number that can be either positive or negative but does not contain any decimals. One of the most common uses of integers is for counting, indexing, or general mathematics. Example:

Integer Variable

count = 10
In this case, `count` is declared to be an integer variable with a value of `10`.

2. Fear of the Bigger Picture Is Obliterated: Float

Float means the numbers which have a dot or decimal point. The calculations which have to do with currency or some scientific measurements and require accuracy use floating-point values. To illustrate:

Float Variable

height = 5.9
So in this case `height `is a float variable which captures `5.9`.

3. Specials Variable-types/pointer (str)

A string is done by combining characters. These characters can be enclosed inside single or double quotations. A string is a pointer type variable which is by default used for text-oriented data i.e. name, address, description, etc. To illustrate:

String Variable

name = "Alice"
In this instance `name` acts as a string variable and the output text is `Alice`.

4. Cash is a Boolean peddlerous

In some instances cash becomes a true or false binary. Therefore, a boolean becomes a data type that can only take on two values, either true or false. In our programs, booleans help run the conditions which determine which areas of the particular program will execute. To illustrate:

Boolean Variable

is_sunny = True
In this instance, `is_sunny` is a boolean variable where `True` is the value which has been assigned.

5. Lists

A list is an assortment of items of any data type. Lists have a defined order or sequence which allows each element the ability to be accessible by its position. Square brackets `[]` are used to create lists, placing each item in the list in an order that is separated by commas. Example:

List Variable

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
So in this example, a variable `fruits` represents the list of three string items.

6. Dictionaries (`dict`)

A dictionary consists of a disoriented collection of pairs referred to as key and value. Such that each key is distinct and to each key a value can be attached and retrieved with using the key. The structure described by this form uses the following symbols: {}. Example:

Dictionary Variable

person = {"name": "Alice", "age": 25}
Here in the example `person` is a dictionary consisting of two key derivatives and their values: `name`/`Alice` and `age`/`25`. [img]

7. Tuples

A tuple can be simply put as a read only list, which means once it has been created, its values can never be changed. Tuples come in handy in situations where the data should necessarily remain unchanged. Example:

Tuple Variable

coordinates = (10, 20)
So here in the defined case of example `coordinates` a pair of numbers i.e. `10` and `20` forms a tuple.

Operators in Python

An operator is a procedure which operates on variables or values. It is concerned with handling data and carrying out various functions, including computations, comparison, and logic.

1. Arithmetic Operators

Mathematical operations are carried out using arithmetical operators - such as add, subtract and multiply, as well as divide. Below are the common arithmetic operators found in Python:

Arithmetic Operators

+   (Addition)
–   (Subtraction)
/ (Division)
// (Floor Division)
%   (Modulus)
For Example,

Arithmetic Operators

a = 5
b = 3
print(a + b) # Output: 8

2. Comparison Operators

A comparison operator is applied to two values to determine whether they are equal, greater than or less than each other. When a comparison operator is used, a boolean value is returned. This value can only be of two types: True or False. The values returned depend on the outcome of said comparison. Comparison operators that are commonly used include but are not limited to:

Arithmetic Operators

== (Equal to)
!= (Not equal to)
> (Greater than)
< (Less than)
>= (Greater than or equal to)
<= (Less than or equal to)
For example

Comparison Operators

x = 10
y = 5
print(x > y) # Output: True

3. Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine two or more expressions and return to the user if the specified multiple conditions are satisfied or falsified so as to dictate the flow of a program; they provide a practical approach to evaluating the truthfulness of multi-conditional statements. The logical operators in Python includes but are not limited to: ``` and (Will return `True` only if both conditions are true) or (Will return `True` if at least one of the conditions is true) not (Will convert a `True` into `False` and vice-versa) ``` For example,

Logical Operators

print(x < 10 and y > 5)   # Output: True

4. Assignment Operators

To give variables values, assignment operators are used. Commonly it is written with the symbol ′=′ as a matter of fact Python supports compound assignment operators too. These are like, an initial enhancement does a mathematical calculation along with assignment, such as: - "+=" (Add) - "-=" (Subtract) - "=" (Multiply) - "/= (Divide) Example:

Assignment Operators

x +=3  # Creates the value of x at 8

5. Membership and Identity Operators

However when dealing with the sequences or the sets of items, there are also operators that help you check for membership or identity. Different kinds of them are, - "in" (It checks if the member is present in the given list or other sequences like string) - "is" (It checks whether 2 variables refer to the same value in the memory block). Example:

Membership Operator

fruits = [ "apple", "banana", "cherry"]
print( "banana" in fruits )  # Output: true
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Setting Up Python Environment

Install Python Interpreter

Python has become one of the most commonly used programming languages all over the world due to its user-friendliness, versatile use and universal approach. Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in web design, analyzing data or even in automation, installing Python on your PC is the very first requirement in your learning process. It should be understood that the purpose of this article is to teach you how to correctly install the Python environment on a computer in order to be able to effectively write and execute Python code. Setting up Python may look difficult at first sight since there seem to be so many things to consider but in reality it is not that complicated as long as you know the basics. This article is aimed at filling this gap by transforming vague steps into clearly actionable pieces of advice and what one needs to do to prepare their environment for coding.

How to use the Python

1. Python Interpreter The Python Interpreter, Python environment, is practically software which allows the reading of written codes and executables written in Python. The benefit of Python is that there is an interpreter available for installation on your device so that you can run your Python scripts after using the interpreter on your device. 2. Managing Packages Python has an excellent ecosystem based on its mixed use of libraries and other tools that boost its features. These libraries are generally fetched using a package manager. The most widely used package manager in the case of Python is pip, through which one can effortlessly install, upgrade or remove any suitable package. 3. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) An IDE is another handy tool that assists developers in writing, editing, and executing code. Yes, you can write Python using a basic text editor, but there are more Python IDEs such as Anaconda that allow a user to do more including syntax highlighting, code suggestions, debugs, and file management. Well known Python IDE's seem to be PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Jupyter Notebook now.

Instructions on Installing Python on Your Computer

1. Download and Install Python

The first thing you need to do to get started with python is to get a python interpreter on your environment, that is, configure your Python setup. This can be accomplished through some simple steps. 1. The first step is to go to the official Python website which is [www.python.org](https://www.python.org). 2. Right on the first page, you will notice the people at Python allowing you to download its unofficial stable version, ensuring it is the one for your Windows, Mac Operating System or Linux. 3. After that, open the installer that you just downloaded so that you can start installation. During Installation, do remember to look for a checkbox that states Add Python to PATH and check it. This will facilitate you in executing Python while being in command prompt. 4. Follow through the prompts given during the installation process and Python software will get installed on your computer. You can once again test whetherPython successfully installed itself by using a terminal, or Command Prompt if you are using Windows, and typing the command python --version. It should respond with the expected version of Python installed. [img]

2. Getting a Text Editor or an Appropriate IDE

Even though IDLE, which is a simple editor, is bundled together with Python, it is advisable to get the IDE which is better when it comes to writing and managing Python code. There are many good IDEs and one of them does help many software developers code better, because of code completion, error highlighting and debugging tools. A few of the many popular IDEs for Python include: - PyCharm A powerful integrated development environment specifically tailored to the requirements of Python developers. With its advanced capabilities such as debugging tools, version control integration, and a terminal built in, PyCharm is astonishing. - Visual Studio Code (VS Code) As a free open-source editor that can handle multiple languages including python, VS Code is rather light weight. remarked for its wide use and a great number of extensions, VS Code easily becomes a good fit for python projects. - Jupyter Notebook utilized mainly in data science and in the field of machine learning, Jupyter Notebook makes it possible to write and execute python code in cells which is a very helpful tool when writing in pythons as you can use it to test blocks of code and to visualize outputs. The first step to using an IDE is to download the IDE from the official website and then follow the appropriate setup steps. You can then open the IDE that is suited for you and write your python code whenever you're ready.

3. Installing Python Packages Using Pip

Packages add more functionality to python. They are basically a group of modules and functions that are useful in your python project. If you have a pack you want to use, the easy way to do this is through pip which is the package manager for python. To install a package, launch your command line or terminal and write the following command:

Install Package

pip install 
For example, if you want to install a well-known info package like NumPy which is commonly utilized in data science, you would input:

Install NumPy

pip install numpy
Once the package is operational, you can include it in your importing statements within the Python programming script. For instance:

Import NumPy

import numpy as np

4. Virtual Environments Creation

In programming, a virtual environment is a package that relies on every file/subdirectory needed for a particular Python project. It is advisable to work with a virtual environment because it improves the organization of project requirements and helps eliminate interferences between different Python projects. Follow these steps to create a virtual environment: 1. Open the terminal or command line interface and go into the folder where your project is located. 2. Enter the following command to create a new virtual environment:

Create Virtual Environment

python -m venv venv
A new directory named venv will be created within your project folder containing this virtual environment. In the case when it is required to activate the virtual environment or switch to the virtual environment, the following command has to be typed. - On Windows

Activate Virtual Environment (Windows)

- On macOS or a Linux terminal

Activate Virtual Environment (macOS/Linux)

source venv/bin/activate
Key Takeaways: After you activate the virtual environment: pip commands will work, but downloads will be done for that environment only. When a user has to deactivate the virtual environment of a command prompt they simply have to type the following command.

Deactivate Virtual Environment

Each separate project can now have its specific versions of libraries required to help it run smoothly, which were dependencies for other projects, using the means of virtual environments is a very effective solution to this library version collision problem.

6. Recording a Whole New Pay Script for the First Time

Now that you have completed the preceding steps, which included setting up your IDE, Python and the rest of the development software, you can start writing Python code. Using your editor or the one integrated in your IDE, create a new file with a .py extension and record your first ever Python script.
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Within the constantly changing environment of technology, computer languages, undoubtedly, are the ones that set the order of the digital universe. The majority of developers consider Python to be among the most widely used programming languages today. It is easily one of the best programming languages due to its simplicity, user-friendliness, as well as the plethora of tasks it can cater for, thus welcoming both amateur and veteran programmers. This article will discuss Python, its major characteristics, and some areas where it finds the most application to accentuate the reasons for its growing popularity among developers across the globe.

The Rise of Python

Guido van Rossum developed the first version of the language in the late '80s, which was later released in 1991. It was accompanied by a guiding principle that stresses the importance of ease of reading and understanding the code. Clear and precise syntax is one of Python's great strengths since it enables programmers to generate clean and comprehensible code. In contrast to numerous other computer languages that are considered advanced due to the intricate syntax, Python has a writing style that more resembles common speech. As the years went by, Python has enjoyed mass acceptance owing to its capabilities to support procedural, object-oriented, as well as functional programming. Its thick ecosystem of libraries and frameworks has enhanced its utilization across multiple domains such as web development, data science, artificial intelligence, automation, etc.

Notable Characteristics of Python

1. Ease of Use due to English Like syntax

The vice of complexity has been avoided and the scope of easy to read and easy to understand commands has been embraced in Python, this makes it beginner friendly. Indentation is used to distinguish code blocks, which helps in keeping the language clean and readable; also, of note is the fact that braces or parenthesis are not used in the language construct which new programmers appreciate.

2. It is a high level Programming Language

Python is known to be high level due to the fact that it hides or deludes the user to the hardware level of operation. This means that developers have to be less concerned with low-level particulars such as memory management or specific instructions of the hardware, instead they can concentrate more on solving issues and come up with designs for algorithms.

3. Language that is interpreted

Python being an interpreted language is the polar opposite of being compiled. Put simply, it interprets source code and executes it line by line. This Python interpreter implements a runtime system that converts the source code to machine code as one line thus making debugging much easier.

4. Works Across Multiple Platforms

Python being the cross-platform can work on Windows, Mac OS and Linux and no need for rewriting of any modules. The essence of this is most notable for those who work in cross-platform environments in which case they don't have to concern themselves with whether they are writing for a specific Operating System.

5. Standard module of great scope

Python has a standard module covering a lot of its operational aspects and a few more that include file handling modules, data modules, network modules and others. This rich set of built-in tools allows developers to perform a wide range of tasks without having to write additional code from scratch.

6. Integration with Other Libraries and Frameworks

A library or framework is perhaps the most integral part of Python and is a specific reason that adds to the success of Python. There is always a library or framework for everything, to enable easier task completion, Web development, data, or even artificial intelligence. Very well-known libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, Django, Flask and Tensor Flow provide powerful tools that simplify difficult tasks. [img]

Areas of Usage for Python

The ability to simplify complex tasks together with the broad versatility makes one language an overarching language for a plethora of tasks within multiple industries. Below are a few common sectors that use Python:

1. The development of Websites

With the use of frameworks such as Django and Flask, Python has a respectable place in the website development industry. Such frameworks help app developers to be more agile and create robust web and backend applications. For example, Django is a higher-level framework that encourages rapid development and a clean and pragmatic design, which means everything a web developer requires to create a web application is available in this type of framework. Flask is a micro web framework for Python, which is easy to learn and expand, and components not included are controlled by the developer; therefore, it becomes more flexible. One of the main factors contributing to the growth in love for website development with the use of Python is the ease of use, as well as powerful frameworks and great flexibility.

2. Science and Analysis of Data

Data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence has its favorite language which is Python Programming. With the help of Pandas, NumPy and Matplotlib, data scientists don't have a problem any longer since they can do data manipulation, analysis and visualization in a simple manner. With the use of popular tools like TensorFlow or Scikit-learn, there is no question why Python has risen to be one of the top programming languages for machine learning and deep learning tasks. Because of the large number of available libraries for data science, Python became a good candidate for big data analysis and processing.

3. Bash and Scripting

Another great Role in python programming language has to be in automating monotonous tasks. Python's simple syntax and powerful libraries make it an excellent choice for writing scripts that can automate processes like.
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Today email is one of the most common forms of communication. The internet is prevalent everywhere. With the help of smart devices, it is very convenient for anyone to communicate with emails from anywhere. Like letter writing, email writing, both formal and informal, also has a certain format. By learning the correct format of writing an email you can save yourself from awkwardness in many situations. [img]

How to write an email

Before differentiating between formal and informal email writing, you should know how to write an email. You must first consider your audience. You will decide on the salutation and tone of your email based on your audience. For example, if you are writing to your business partner, then you must use a formal tone and choose words carefully. However, if you are writing an email to a friend then you can use an informal approach. You should write the subject of your email in the subject line. Then start the email with a greeting. The later parts of your email should mention the issues you want to discuss or convey a message. They have a simple closing.

Formal vs informal email

There are several differences between writing a formal and an informal email which includes both language and structural changes. The general templates of these emails have some common features. For example, both have the recipient's name and address, subject line, greetings, detailed context, and closing. However, there are differences in how you write each section of the email. Here we will discuss in detail them.


In the case of both formal and informal email, you should write down the address of the recipient carefully. Make sure the spelling is ok so that your email reaches the intended person.

Subject line

A subject line is a must in formal email, otherwise, your email may go unnoticed. Also, it shows that you are unprofessional. It can be a short phrase saying why you are writing. If you are writing an email for marketing purposes then the subject line must grab attention. If you are writing to your boss or colleague then the subject line must show that your email is important. In the case of informal emails, you may choose to skip the subject line. Still, it's a good practice to use it.


You must maintain professionalism and clarity when writing a formal email. Try using a polite tone rather than a harsh one, even if you are writing an email to your junior colleague. In the greetings section, you should use a formal tone in case of a formal email. In informal emails, you can use slang.


The language of a formal email is polished. You should not use contractions, slang, or casual words. If you don't know the gender of the recipient, then use non-gender words.


In a formal email, you must include a formal greeting, like 'Dear Sir', 'Dear Mr. Jake', or 'Good Morning'. Nowadays, you don't have to be that formal even when writing official emails, like starting the email with a simple 'Hi'. When you have multiple threads to the same email, you can stop using greetings; however, it's always better to use one. In case of an informal email, you can say 'Hey buddy', or 'Yo Man'.

Discuss important things

After the greeting, you must start writing about the important context. If necessary, you must start with background information so the recipient knows what you are talking about and why. Then discuss the matter and write about your intention of writing the email. Unless required, try to make your message brief as everyone is busy today and many people will ignore long emails with unnecessary details. If you want the recipient to take any action after reading your email then mention that specifically.

Complimentary closer

In a formal email, you must include a polite and short closing; for example, 'Thank you for your consideration', or 'Looking forward to hearing from you'. You can have an open-ended statement to keep room for further communication.

Email Signature

It is professional to have an email signature when you are writing a formal email. You can set it up automatically in your email software and include your name, job title, and contact details. If you are writing to someone for the first time, then that person will learn about you just by looking at your email signature. In an informal email, you can just write your name in short.


You may include attachments to both formal and informal emails. In the case of formal emails, mention in the body of your email that you have included an attachment so that the recipient doesn't miss them. You must write 'Please find the files attached', or something similar. In informal emails, most people send pictures as attachments. You can directly mention your photos in the subject line or the email body. [img]

Use email templates

You may write a formal letter to your boss, colleague, or business partner for resignation, job application, complaints, business proposals, and other reasons. There is a specific format for each type of these formal letters and many organizations or professionals want you to follow the standard format so that they get the right information. You can use the various formal email templates found online to help you write such an email. In the case of informal email, you don't need to bother about any specific format. Be mindful when writing your email. Even when you are writing an informal email to your friend or family member don't use any offensive words. In both types of emails, you must try to keep the message straightforward.
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Do you think crafting poems and stories is not your thing? Then think again! With some simple rules and techniques even you can create wonderful stories and poems that others will read and appreciate. [img]

Writing poems

You can express your emotions or tell stories through poetry. However, poetry is different from other forms of writing. Poetry includes sound, rhythm, and format. Have you ever thought about why poems are read aloud? They are most impactful when they are read aloud because of the use of words and phrases that highlight images or thoughts. Poets use alliteration, consonance, and assonance in poetry to make them sound beautiful. Poetry is similar to music as it has rhythm. Its rhythmic structure is called a meter which indicates the syllables in each line. You can use stressed and unstressed syllables to create rhythm in your poetry. Repetition is another technique you can use to create rhythm. Rhyming sentences make poems enjoyable to recite. The audiences also have a pleasurable experience. It is not necessary for the end of a sentence to rhyme in every alternating line. You can choose to rhyme any part of the sentence. In terms of format, a poem is quite different than prose. You will notice that the sentences end differently, words have various arrangements and blank lines appear in between sentences. In a poem, a paragraph is called a stanza. You can write a poem consisting of similar length stanzas or different lengths. You should know the different forms of poems before you decide to write one. You can choose from sonnet, ode, limerick, and others. To write a good poem you must be an expert in using literary devices. These improve your writing extensively. The common literary devices include simile, metaphor, figurative language, alliteration, juxtaposition, onomatopoeia, imagery, personification, hyperbole, and more. You should practice freewriting to search for a good topic for your poetry. Then you need to choose the format, words, rhythm, and rhymes carefully to craft your poem. You must edit your poem. Don't rush; take time to look into every word for improvement. You should read the poem aloud to find faults in your poem. [img]

Writing stories

Just like writing poems, you must be very creative to write compelling stories. You must take time to research the topic or theme of your story. The format of a story is very different from that of poetry. A story has a setting, plot, characters, and conflict. To write a story you should first decide on the genre; that is, whether you want to write a humorous, tragic, romantic, science fiction, or crime story. You need to find an inspiration to come up with a good story. You can take inspiration from your personal life events or from that of society. You must brainstorm to find several ideas from which you can choose one. Once you have decided on the theme or topic, you must create an outline of the story. Simply create a basic framework and mention how you want to craft the story. You should start your story with something appealing or startling. You must grip your readers with your opening paragraph. Then carefully present the plot and characters. Understandably provide links between characters. A good story gives the reader a good experience reading and also leaves a lasting impression. Just like poetry, you must revise and edit your story as well. If possible, ask a friend to read your story and provide feedback. Sometimes, others' opinions add value to the story. To write a poem or story, you must have an open mind. You should read lots of different types of stories and poems to learn the writing styles of famous writers and poets. It's all about practice and continuous learning.
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[img]Is 6 months enough time to learn English? You bet it is! With sincere practice, dedication, and patience you can learn English within six months. Here are some tips for being fluent in English within 6 months.

Set goals

When you are planning to achieve something, the first thing you need to do is set clear goals. Think about why you want to learn English, whether it's for academics, travel, or job purposes. Then divide this main goal into small parts. For example, your goal for the first month would be to learn the common phrases for greetings/ The goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, i.e. SMART. These goals will help you to observe your progress so that you know whether you are on track or falling behind. You can then take action accordingly.

Make a study plan

You must follow a routine every day to practice English. So, make a study plan and stick to it. Allocate specific time for studying grammar, pronunciation, listening exercises, and vocabulary. Set up more study time for the area you are weak in. Other than finding time for practicing exercise, you need to spend sometime reading story books or watching movies.

Have an immersive learning experience

As the time is short, you should have an immersive learning journey. This is much more effective than reading books or solving past papers. You can change your study room for a few days and go to a new environment. This will boost your mood and you will feel like studying. To practice English speaking, go to a park with your friend and practice conversations. If you do not feel like studying grammar in this gloomy weather, go to your favorite coffee shop and try practicing some exercises there.

Engage with different media

You can plug in your latest sound system to listen to different podcasts, music, radio programs, or discussions. You should try to understand the lyrics. You can watch movies or TV shows. Watching movies can improve your English noticeably. Try to watch American, British, Canadian, and Australian movies to find out the differences in accents. You can also watch a Hollywood movie with a cowboy story to hear that unique accent. You will hear many slang and idioms in the movies; try to find out their meanings. [img]

Read magazines, newspapers, and storybooks

With 6 months in hand, you shouldn't miss a single day practicing something or other. At the same time, you should read newspapers, magazines, and blogs. These are powerhouses of information and can help you to learn the latest global news. In the speaking exam, you may be told to describe an event and the information you get from magazines and newspapers can be very helpful. Reading story books can be helpful in improving your vocabulary and learning various writing styles, use of tense, verbs, etc. Your reading skills will develop considerably.

Practice speaking

With the exam hanging around the corner, you need to find a way to improve your speaking within a short time. Try to find a native speaker and go on a short trip with him or her. As you will be continuously talking to a native person in English during your short stay, you will learn a lot of things about accent, pronunciation, and words. Another trick is to go on a short visit to an English-speaking country and listen to the natives speaking firsthand. It will be a great opportunity to explore their culture too. You must join a conversation group too to practice speaking. There are certain apps that help you find a native speaker to talk to. You can use those apps.

Focus on vocabulary

At first, memorize the most common words that you use every day. Then move on to the more complex ones. When you learn the meaning of a new word, learn the synonym, antonym, and noun or verb as well. That way with every new word you are actually learning 3 to 4 new words. Use flashcards to remember and revise words. There are apps with flashcards. You can use those as well.

Master grammar

Every day learn each chapter of grammar and do the practice exercises. Learn the grammar rules by heart. It is easy to get marks in grammar, but identifying the right rule can be tricky. If you know the rules well then you will be able to answer any difficult question.

Go to English-speaking social gatherings

You can have an enjoyable experience going to social gatherings. Make sure you communicate in English with everyone there. The more you practice speaking English, the more fluent your accent will be.

Practice speaking in front of a mirror

Consider the mirror to be your friend and do a small talk in front of it every day before going to be. That way you won't hesitate to speak up in your natural way and build up confidence in speaking English.

Write journal

To improve your writing skills you must start writing journals every day. You can also start writing a blog on topics you enjoy talking about.

Use technology

You must use the latest apps for English learning. These apps have interesting features to make your English learning process more enjoyable. Technology can help you learn things faster. Just download the apps on your smartphone and revise English grammar and vocabulary on the go. You can use an online translator to learn new words. If you follow this roadmap, you will be able to successfully learn English within six months. You only have to be regular in your studies and practice hard. If you want you can get enrolled in a short English course too. With determination and hard work, you can reach your goal.
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[img]Starting to learn a new language like English is exciting. However, very few people manage to get to the end of this journey. This is because language learning is a long process and many times you will keep on thinking "Do I need to?" Well, English is a common language that people all over the world speak to some extent. Communication and business take place using this language. So, there's definitely a strong reason to learn this language well. Also, if you decide to study abroad, visit a new place for business, or try your luck with immigration, then you must take an English proficiency test. These tests examine your knowledge of English to ensure that you will be able to achieve your goal in a foreign country. So, if it is so important to learn English, how do you stay motivated till the end? Here are some tips for completing your English learning journey successfully without losing motivation along the way.

Keep reminding yourself of your goal

You have decided to learn English for a purpose. So, keep reminding yourself of the reason for learning English. Try to visualize what will happen after the course. For example, you will get admitted to a foreign university, get a better job, or get a chance to apply for immigration. Aren't these you want in your life? So, you need to be patient and learn English with full attention. Along with the ultimate goal, you must set small goals achievable within a short time as well. It may take time to achieve the long-term goal; but once you achieve the short-term goals, you will develop a positive mindset about your ultimate goal of learning English.

Be consistent

Just like your fitness goal, you need to be consistent with your effort to learn English. You need to have a structured program designed to meet your goals. Try to achieve small goals every day and appreciate your achievements.

Get professional support

It is not easy to study on your own. You must get professional help to learn English. You can eight join a training center or do online courses. Doing something alone can be very painful. So, look for a partner who is willing to spend some time with you practicing speaking and other sections of the English language. You can also join communities and forums consisting of English learners of different levels. You can discuss grammar, punctuation, and other things. Knowing that there are others out there having similar experiences like you will make you stay motivated to do the same.

Use dictionary

Though you can easily find the meaning of a word by typing it in a search engine bar like Google, use a dictionary like the old days. It is very interesting how you look up a word in the dictionary. It's like a treasure hunt. You can find variations of the word like antonyms, synonyms, nouns, and adjectives. You will find examples of how to write a sentence with that word.

Read magazines and newspapers

By reading magazines of your choice you will find interest in learning new terms. For example, if you like sports you can read sports magazines and find out about your favorite team and players. In this magazine, you will find many sports-related terms that you may not be aware of. You will also learn the writing structure of a sports-related article. You will find advertisements inside the magazine. The language used in writing an advertisement is different; it is very persuasive. This will give you an idea about how to write an advertising copy. Newspaper articles are different from that of magazine articles. Here you will be introduced to another style of writing. The words used in the news articles are also different. Another advantage of reading magazines and newspapers is that you will get to know about current affairs. So, if you have to write something in an English proficiency exam or work, you can use the information that is appropriate in writing the content. [img]

Read story books

It can be boring to read a newspaper or magazine every day. You can read crime, romantic, or science fiction books to learn new words and improve your English. When reading story books you will have an immersive experience as you will start to feel the emotions of the characters. You will not realize how your reading skills and vocabulary are improving by reading different story books on a regular basis. Just note down the difficult words and phrases to learn about them.

Watch movies and TV shows

What can be more exciting than watching movies? Hollywood movies are great to watch. Even British movies are also becoming popular. Movies are a great tool to learn pronunciation. When you watch a Hollywood movie and a British movie back to back you will realize how different the accent is.


It's a fun way of practicing English speaking. Get a partner and try role-playing. You can pretend to be a doctor and your partner a patient. Now carry on imaginary conversation with each other. This type of activity will improve your speaking quality and make you more confident.

Use interesting game-based apps

You can use game-based apps to practice your English skills. These games take vocabulary and grammar into consideration. You will have fun and at the same time get the chance to improve your English. There are various ways you can stay motivated when learning English. Tell your family and friends to support you on this journey. Their positive mindset regarding this will help you to overcome any negativity and achieve your goal.
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[img]One of the best ways to learn English in the modern days is to listen to podcasts. Today you will find podcasts focusing on different sections of the English language, like podcasts for pronunciation or grammar. These podcasts provide a very effective way of remembering new words, using grammatical rules, mastering pronunciation techniques, and speaking like a native. Here you will learn about some of the best podcasts to improve your English.

For pronunciation

Pronunciation is an important aspect of English. If your pronunciation is not right, people won't understand what you are saying. Also, it might create a negative impression on your audience. You must listen to talks given by the natives regularly to get a good grasp of the right pronunciation. Here are some great podcasts for improving your pronunciation.

Luke's English Podcast

Luke is an English teacher at the British Council dedicated to teaching students good English. Through his podcast, Luke helps learners understand English rhythm and sound. He uses idioms and stories to teach English. The podcast is full of entertainment and fun. The audiences of this podcast are intermediate English learners. Besides pronunciation, the content includes vocabulary and grammar. You will develop natural speaking patterns just like the natives by listening to this podcast regularly.

Rock 'N' Roll English

Here you will learn both formal and informal English through cultural insights. You will learn slang too. The podcast features interesting conversations in an informal tone. It is a great podcast to learn everyday spoken English.

6-Minute English

If you are super busy then this podcast is for you. It has bite-size episodes which cover a wide range of topics. You will learn about modern English pronunciation and usage. You can practice pronunciation within a short period.

The English We Speak

This BBC English podcast is for learning everyday English to help us communicate better with each other. You will know about the common expressions and phrases used in everyday settings. Through this podcast, you will learn about the actual application of the English language.

Read Stories – Learn English

This app uses storytelling as a tool to improve pronunciation. You will realize that the pronunciation varies from one story to another; that is, from monologue to dialogue. [img]

For grammar

Learning grammar is not easy. You will need to remember a lot of rules and techniques to write proper grammar. Here are some podcasts recommended for grammar.

FluentU Story English Podcast

This podcast uses a story-driven approach for explaining grammar. It tells the rules and then demonstrate how the grammar rule is used in conversation.


This podcast is appropriate for learners from beginner to advance levels. The hosts often act out scenes to make conversations more interesting. You will know about different cultures here. It focuses on grammar, phrases and vocabulary.

For speaking

If you don't know how to speak proper English then you will face a lot of challenges in life. For conducting meetings or motivating your team you need to speak fluent English. Here are some good podcasts to improve your speaking skills.

Podcasts in English

This podcast features speaking English in various settings. It provides short lessons that include conversations between native speakers. The lessons cover a wide range of topics including Winter Olympics, Facebook, and others.

Splendid Speaking

This podcast is meant for advanced-level learners. Each episode comprises discussions and interviews with non-native English language speakers. You will listen to expert feedback in each episode. You will know how the non-native speakers are adjusting to the new language and the mistakes they often make.

Better @ English

In every episode of this podcast, you will see real conversations with native speakers. They talk about various topics. You will hear two people speaking English in a natural setting. You will know about idioms, vocabulary, and common expressions too.

Business English Pod

In this podcast, you will learn about the use of English in business situations. The host has talked about a business topic for some time. You can get the transcript and quizzes of each episode. You will learn how the English-speaking countries conduct business. You will get comprehension and listening practice here. You can learn English by listening to podcasts. When you start off, hear the podcast episodes while doing other things. Your brain will slowly get adjusted to the sound of the podcast. You pay attention the second time. Focus on the expressions and words and see if you can recognize them. If you think that the speaker is talking too fast then you can reduce the volume of the audio to 75%. As you are a learner you may not understand everything said in the podcast. Some podcasts provide the audiences with the transcript. So, if you get one, go through it. Find out new words from the podcast and find their meaning. Write down the words in a notebook and use them in real-life conversations. Schedule a time to watch these podcast episodes. If you are following one, then continue doing so that you don't miss any topic. It is important to revise what you have learned from the podcast by skimming through your notes and the podcast transcript. The podcasts are very appealing to those who don't like the traditional learning experience of just reading books. These podcasts give learners a great platform for learning various aspects of English grammar.
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