
5 Reasons Why Smart People Avoid Anger

Photo by Moose Photos from Pexels
Today's world is filled with angry individuals. Worse, the common undercurrent of fury looks to be developing and becoming stronger in society. Anger is an emotion, and there's nothing wrong with expressing it when the occasion calls for it.

If you find yourself stuck, a little wrath may provide you with the motivation to go ahead. People are often paralyzed by fear, while rage ignites them. Unfortunately, many people don't know what to deal with these overwhelming feelings, which might ruin you if you let them.

It's natural to hide such emotions rather than express them. You're not aware that those tremendous feelings are constantly cycling through your system. Psychologists witness this all the time with persons who had traumatic childhoods or were abused.

They do not cope with or process the abuse. Unfortunately, such emotions will only worsen with time. Have you ever heard someone described as a ticking time bomb poised to detonate? Unresolved wrath within might make you feel like an exploding bomb. You may, however, unleash your wrath by learning a lesson from some wise people.

Anger's Dangerous Potential

Have you ever been the victim of road rage? Assume you're trapped on the highway and rushing late for work. A woman cut you off out of nowhere. Your face flushes with wrath, and you spit furiously.

You nearly got into an accident because someone failed to respect your limits. Despite the fact that a genuine catastrophe was averted, it has placed you in a terrible attitude. Because you can't let go, you carry those deep feelings with you throughout the day.

You're still in a bad attitude at 5 p.m. because you never learned to let go of the tension from the morning event. To make things worst, you've gotten even more defensive the next day. You go back on the highway, a chip on your shoulder, daring someone to cut you off again.

Months and years might pass, and you will relive these emotions again and again. You add to it on a regular basis to make the wrath burn hotter as you anticipate an event long before it occurs. You might acquire driving anxiety over time if you compare your commute to driving in a demolition derby.

If you don't let go and release your deepest self, rage may swiftly take over your existence. A wise person understands that they must act to quell the rage. What if, instead of waiting in traffic and letting your blood to boil, you practiced deep breathing and let it go?

It wouldn't have destroyed your day, and you wouldn't have acquired a severe case of road rage every time you drove. You might channel your emotions into action. You may learn a less stressful route to work. What if you could listen to music or read books instead of sitting in traffic and becoming frustrated?

Why Wise People Don't Waste Time on Anger

Intelligent people recognize that they have a choice and may channel their energy into something greater. Here are some of the reasons why wise individuals don't let their anger grow within.

1. Dissatisfaction Nothing ever works out well (Except Make You Angry and Tired)

Anger is a negative emotion. While it is OK to be unhappy, you must not allow it to consume you. Assume an employee stole your marketing campaign concept. She received all of the attention and offered you no credit for your efforts.

It's all too easy to let these things fester and infiltrate your heart. Unfortunately, carrying grudges will only bring negativity into your life. The employee is most likely underperforming and needs to improve her performance. The issue was not personal, but she was attempting to preserve herself.

Instead of releasing and keeping animosity, recognize that karma and the Universe have a way of taking care of things. When you spread negativity, you will get the same in return. As a result, clever individuals understand that they desire to be surrounded by optimism.

2. Unforgiveness Causes More Pain

It's simple to be angry and refuse to forgive someone who has wronged you. Unforgiveness, on the other hand, always damages you more than the person who harmed you. If you want to have healthy and successful relationships, you will discover that forgiving is essential.

When you forgive someone, you relieve yourself of a weight. If your spouse cheated on you, it's natural to feel upset and retain a grudge. However, if you forgive them and let go of your fury, you are not allowing it to control your life.

According to a John Hopkins Medicine study, forgiveness isn't simply something you do because it's the proper thing to do; it may also improve your health.

Their research has shown that persons who carry unforgiveness have weaker immunity and often suffer from PTSD. Learning to let go is liberating your mind and emotions from sorrow.

3. Resentment and rage Maintain You in the Past

Life is a tough road. Always keep your eyes focused and never glance behind you. In Genesis 19, there is a remarkable narrative that helps put things into perspective. God was enraged and on the verge of destroying the city of Sodom because they would not repent of their sinful ways.

Lot, his wife, and their two daughters were spared by God. As they fled the city to safety, the Lord gave them one commandment: they could not look back. Jesus encouraged them to concentrate on what was ahead of them rather than what was behind them. This narrative teaches everyone that the things behind you will ruin you, just as they destroyed Lot's wife.

As they were departing, she looked back to see what she was giving up, and she was transformed into a salt pillar. According to Reuters, a big cave was uncovered in the precise location where this narrative is claimed to take occurred.

Everybody has committed errors in the past. The trick is to keep your sights forward and your objectives in mind. Smart individuals understand that looking back and focusing on the past will only impede their development in life.

4. Anger Can Teach Us a Thing or Two

Assume a buddy approaches you for a $500 loan. You kindly handed it to them until their tax return arrived. However, when the return arrived, they did not reimburse you in full. They had one excuse after another for not being able to settle their loan.

It's easy to grow irritated when someone refuses to return the money you generously lent them. A wise person, on the other hand, will concentrate on the lesson at hand rather than being overwhelmed with bitterness. Every scenario that life throws at you has a lesson. It is up to you to pay attention and let go of your rage at the situation.

In this case, the lesson is to be careful when lending money. You know that in the future, this person's words will be meaningless since they will not keep their promises. Intelligent individuals understand that if you burn them once, they will make sure you don't do it again.

Even if you release and let go of the hatred in your heart, the lessons may still help you make better decisions in the future.

5. Angry emotions use a lot of valuable energy

Some individuals wander in circles and never achieve anything, much like a dog chasing its tail. This is exactly how wrath and anger impact you. When you allow your emotions to take control of your life, you squander a lot of energy.

Consider how much you could achieve if you learned to channel your wrath into something positive. When you concentrate on useless things, you prevent yourself from concentrating on the things that will help you achieve your objectives.

Finally, consider why it is important to let go and release anger

According to William Arthur Ward, you should never vent your rage towards others, but rather focus on the issue and discover answers. As in the last example of road rage, you were enraged with the person who cut you off rather than the true issue, which was the chaotic traffic.

You didn't know whether that individual was ill, had an emergency as a medical professional, or had other circumstances beyond their control. However, by accepting something at face value, you spent valuable time and energy getting upset about it.

By allowing your rage to fester, you created a secondary circumstance in which you were afraid to drive on the motorway. The ability to let go is the source of power. When you release and let go of these overwhelming sensations, you liberate yourself from their control on you.
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