
Six Friday Motivational Suggestions to Keep You Motivated

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You know that sensation, the one that says, "I still have a full work day to go through"? It's awful. The toughest thing is having to wake up, go to work, and be productive when you're exhausted, uninspired, and want to crawl back into bed. Even while you may know cognitively that you're not the only one who has ever felt that way, the worst thing is that it may still seem incredibly lonely in the time.

Try these six strategies to boost your Friday motivation if you're feeling down and want to get out of it.

1. Plan to eat lunch and have a hearty breakfast.

Eat a substantial breakfast as the first step in boosting your Friday motivation. The adage "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is common knowledge. It turns out that our parents weren't only trying to convince us to eat something before school. According to studies, eating breakfast may aid with mood, visual-motor functioning, memory, and recall.

However, studies have shown that the advantages of the micronutrient boost from breakfast do eventually wear off. The body has to be refueled, much like a vehicle with a full tank of petrol that runs out after a long trip. Because of this, scheduling meals for breakfast and lunch on a day when you're feeling under the weather may provide you with the additional push you need to get through the day. By causing low blood sugar, skipping meals may make you feel weak and exhausted. If you already find it difficult to stay motivated, skipping meals can simply make you feel more lethargic and uninspired to do anything.

2. Set priorities What's Critical

The cheat sheet has always been a favorite of mine. I don't cheat, but I do like being aware of what has to be done. When you already lack motivation, no one wants to spend any of their valuable energy trying to find out what has to be done.

No matter who you are, there is a good chance that you have at least one or two tasks that you weren't able to do earlier in the week by Friday of any given week. Here is how I quickly identify what has to be done right now.

Just consider these three issues:

1. Exist any tasks whose due dates have previously gone but which must still be completed?
2. What undertaking is the most delayed among those?
2. Which of the unfinished projects will take the shortest amount of time to significantly advance or finish?

This should make it simple for you to pick out at least one project that you can concentrate on carefully for a while while feeling accomplished.

3. Take on the Easy Targets

Taking up the low-hanging fruit is another method to renew your Friday motivation. There is nothing wrong with starting with the simple tasks. Perhaps you are so exhausted that tackling the pressing responsibilities will sap all of your vitality. There is nothing improper about doing the apparent, simple tasks. Low-hanging chores that are simple to do include emails, filing, data entry, document reconciliation, follow-up calls, editing or modifying written work, and research.

Your feeling of achievement will increase whenever you complete these simpler chores. You may use this feeling of success to motivate you to take on some more difficult activities or to finish all the simpler ones so that you can focus on the more challenging assignments the following week.

4. Allow for two scheduled breaks, at the very least.

During the workday, allow yourself at least two planned breaks. Life is challenging. It is frustrating to feel obligated to work when you are not feeling up to it. Don't make matters worse by making yourself spend the whole day seated in front of the computer without a break. If they aren't already a distant memory for some, the days of thinking that "lunch is for punks and working 80 hours a week is what you should be doing" are passing.

Actually, researchers found that, despite the fact that "taking brief breaks during the working day may not have as visible an effect as taking a vacation, study has demonstrated considerable advantages. Breaks may assist sustain performance throughout the day, lessen the need for a lengthy recuperation at the end of the day, and reduce or even eliminate stress, according to studies.

Make sure to set three alarms: one for lunch, one for two 20-minute breaks, and one before you settle down at your desk for the day. By making yourself unhappy in front of your computer, you are not demonstrating anything to anybody. You merit kindness and adaptability. Let your radical self-care throughout these pauses.

5. Play Some Upbeat Music

Adding some uplifting music to your playlist is another method to increase your Friday motivation. Music is therapeutic. It is no secret that sound vibrations may impact our emotions. Ancient societies were aware of this and welcomed it via rituals like chanting and the usage of singing bowls, chimes, bells, and other instruments of sound as therapeutic aids. Chanting is used in healing and energy-shifting techniques such as Kirtan and Bhakti yoga. Bells and chimes are often used in Buddhist and Hindu ceremonies for spiritual healing. We have adapted the usage of singing bowls for energy healing across the contemporary globe.

Most individuals may think back to a time or two in their life when music or sound made them feel differently. The listener is demonstrated to be directly affected by music. According to studies, listening to music while working may improve both mood and quality of output.

Your favorite album may be played in the background as you attempt to do a few tasks if you are feeling particularly uninspired. If listening to music with lyrics makes it impossible for you to concentrate on your job and you don't like classical or conventional jazz, try genres like trip hop, house, ambient, beach house, and jamband. Additionally, you may like musicians like Grammatik, Thievery Corporation, and Bonobo.

6. Provide Yourself with Something to Look Forward to

As a yogi, I believe in the importance of being in the present. However, there are instances when the present is a bit too strong, and being too present won't make you feel better. Because "knowing that something nice is coming your way encourages you to finish those activities you may not really want to undertake," positive anticipation might be your hidden weapon in certain situations.

Everyone enjoys receiving praise, even when they are doing a task they dislike. The best approach to ensure that you will be rewarded for the effort it took to get through the day is to give yourself something to look forward to.

The compensation need not be very high. It may be as simple as eating ice cream, going for a stroll, hanging out with friends, or just relaxing for a few hours with your phone set to do not disturb. When I was in boarding school, I often utilized this method. My friends and I would let ourselves get excited about tiny things, like sipping lime rickeys at Brigham's, since the time between semesters in New England would seem so lengthy, particularly in the winter. It did, believe it or not.

The next time you have a Friday malaise, give it a try. Consider anything to look forward to, no matter how minor, and pay attention to how your energy changes.


This too will pass, as the proverb goes.

Before it ends, Friday will be just another day like all the others. Time moves on without stopping, so even though it may seem tough to go through, remember that time is on your side.

Whatever happens, Friday will continue. The best way to boost your Friday motivation is to make sure your body has the micronutrients it needs to power through the day, recognize what needs to be done right away, take care of low-hanging fruit, give yourself time away from your desk, put on your favorite music, and remind yourself that the weekend is just around the corner.

You can do this!
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